The Inspiration Behind Helping Hugs For Children

For many years I have wanted to find some way to help the less fortunate children in the world. If the adults of the world won't or don't help them, who can they turn to? I have also been one that believes in what I call the Ray Kroc philosophy – You're either green and growing or ripe and rotten. My quest for wanting to create a better me has given me opportunities to cross paths with some really phenomenal people and organizations. The inspiration and motivation to start Helping Hugs For Children came about at one of those crossroads.

If it wasn't for my Dearest wife Sandy, none of this would have ever happened. Through some mutual friends of ours (Randy & Rosalee) Sandy convinced me to meet them at a local pastry shop for coffee. Well, what they showed me was the most amazing opportunity I have ever seen. And no I don't sell anything out of my garage or buy and resell anything and I really look bad in makeup. Thru this organization I was fortunate enough to meet people that really wanted to help other people. Starting to get the picture. People helping other people.

It just so happened that a couple we met, Dennis and Denise A. had been asking me to go to this introduction for something. Wouldn't tell me what it was but it would be worth my time. Several invitations later and with much hesitation I finally decided to go see what it was about. So I met them one evening after work at a place called Landmark Worldwide. The introduction was done in a way that I had never seen before. They call it Transformational Education. And believe me, it literally transform the way I live my life, the way I see other people, and the way I see myself. It has given me the confidence, motivation and inspiration to take on projects and things I would have never thought of doing before. It has given me the ability to create a life that is the life I want to live. And that life includes creating this nonprofit that will benefit less fortunate children all over the world.

Thank you Sandy, thank you Dennis and Denise, thank you Judith – my Landmark Leader, thank you Dr. Jaime (PJ) my Landmark coach and thank all of the people I was so fortunate to go through Landmark with. You are all the inspiration and motivation that created Helping Hugs For Children.

Alan Lowe – Founder